Thursday, August 8, 2013

In Dark Grass

                       ... beneath my bedroom window / deer rest in dark grass 


  1. Like so many of your poems, this underscores how much you live as part of nature. Today I'd have to write something like, From my bedroom window/I hear street construction and smell the tar. :)

  2. The last full moon was known as the antler moon as the velvet starts pushing through. It instigated this poem. I love knowing the deer bed down so close. It's very comforting. Tar not so much, although it is a very distinctive smell... :)

  3. Dear Teresa, I'm wondering if you take these photographs yourself or if you find them somewhere. Here, too, as on your other blog on which I just read a poem that speaks, I think, of gratitude, I find the perfect match of photograph and poem. Thank you. Peace.

    1. The photographs are mine when I've noted them as such below the poem, otherwise they are found on the internet. I attempt to find attribution and give it when available. Yes, gratitude for what is... we overlook what is right in front of us sometimes...

  4. What an amazing photograph!

    It is interesting to ponder how words like these can evoke entirely different responses. To you the presence of deer beneath your bedroom window is comforting. For me it's a source of anxiety and worry. But I admit that no matter how badly our the deer hurt our gardens, when I see them bounding away in the morning I can't help being a bit struck by their beauty. :)

    1. it truly is a matter of perspective, based on our personal experiences. I can easily understand your concern. I wish a solution could be found that isn't costly to anyone.

  5. I love the way you tie a wonderful image with a few economical words that states volumes. It is such a fascinating way to communicate effectively!

    1. It's what I love about micro-poetry, distilling an event or idea to its essence. I'm finding it difficult now to write prose, as I so love this economy of words to express myself. :) Thank you, Bill.


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